
Saturday, August 30, 2003

Really doesn't do it justise,
I only an innocent mask of timeless everlasting mystery,
Belonging elsewhere but I'm here.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Sprinkle the happiness far and wide!
She asked me too early when I was small and blind,
The end the old and the birth of the new,
That was the connection,
I was a kitten,
Now I'm just smitten,
To regain the old emotions I asked around,
The answers I got were from a small cloud,
He said be nice and call the animals don't run away,
And she will be back before you can say,
Remember to communicate!!
So she came back changed and attacked,
Nurse Nightingale tell me what I need,
You need no wants but her she said,
Now I've got ill patients in bed,
To cure the patients I helped her!
Not for long I abandoned ship,
Cast low like the happiness around her hip,
No time like the present,
Sentimentality pause,
I wondered if she fuelled my remorse,
No I'm not dead just close doors open the way,
Since then I looked east with pain,
Called back the animals and spelt unpopular words,
To bring back the things I need,
Please don't worry.

She's buried her way to the source [I'm saying 'hello' more than ever *introverted mystery smile*] of all my emotions, but she loves triangles more than me!! (HAHAHAA - grass cuts all over but for minus 22 it's no problem). I can't wait til she listens she will glow through the clouds and warm the whole place up, blushing asking her what she wants but I've seen it happen she says this what she needs, has the kelevala met its match tehehehehehe. Many more rejections to make, tough to keep it up when there's this demand but like a phone, its a simlar thing. So many ways to communicate!! I saw her vision of snow-like looks in the afternoon I could help her bleed much beauty but the dream box has made a wound {bit like tolkein :) } that will not heal. Mars is closest but there isn't as much Venus no more. I should've listened to jonathan (no richman) the Mercury man. So she's a lion and her friend's shocked that I can guess, it would be too much for her to know so I added a bomb #Oh, if only, I knew the language# HA!. So unfinished! Lucifer's grip is where im walking on the other side of things, one can only hope as six strings go up, a large thump won't hurt so much. On the Rhino (you know I change) front I saw the tempting Ice Cream van today, but my Cat; 'mrs polly doyle' knew that the hu way costs much more than money. Seriously pissed of at this new fella Gary, comes into the sanctury likes he's all this he think benig a stream winner will let him walk down any hills he likes, he's in for a surprise, nobody treats Kjartan and Neko like that.. Besides I'll open the earth in good time there hasn't been any kind've sign of unbroken in the masses to them its still summertime! I suppose yellow calander girl will know HONESTLY DON'T LOOK BACK INTO THE SUN. More acceptance of igorant two-faced, superficialities I'd break if they weren't my friends. I mean the ego can be used if neccesary but to abuse in ways that she does brings limited scope especially with the infulence of confucism, it is a grim reflection and D has seen it. Supports what I need right now, from other sources to the primary she's in sorry shockscape ground in the morning. It reminds me of (D)onkey's precision fooling: He will be singing the humming song if he doesnt start soon, scared of swimming^so I am. There hasn't been any news from spirit destroyer luckily I silenced him good. That was hypnotic, but recently.. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!! **raised eyebrows** I'm really happy with the results from my lastest robot, I just hope he doesn't clone one of the founders. Nah, he won't.. cos... He can't... Can he? (Good Luck, this is small tease you can leave on the boat to the moon if your trust needs refreshing:- BUY BUY SELL SELL. There you feel better and it is &real&-ly no problem! Understand. Honesty is dwelling in the heart right now and although it's not the time for floortiles love will reverse this. It's a bit like the turning tide. :)

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